Gainesville Man Arrested on Marion County Warrant for Domestic Battery and Tampering

Gainesville Man Arrested on Marion County Warrant for Domestic Battery and Tampering
Marcus Percell Grenne. (Alachua County Sheriff's Office)

Marcus Percell Grenne, 35, was arrested last week in Gainesville on a Marion County warrant for domestic battery and tampering with police communication. 

The victim told police she saw Greene talking to other women, causing them to argue. The victim told Greene to leave and he began packing his things. When the victim handed Greene one of his things he reportedly slammed her against the wall, causing her arm to scratch against an exposed nail. 

The victim said Greene took her cell phone after she told him she would call the police. Greene attempted to hide the victim’s phone and the victim struggled with him to get it back. After continued verbal exchange, Greene gave the victim back her phone. 

The victim had injuries consistent with her statement. Two of the victim’s family members who were in the house corroborated her statement. 

Marion County deputies didn’t contact Greene because the victim was in fear of retaliation. 

Greene was released from jail on a $3,500 bond. 

Jack Walden

Jack Walden

Jack Walden is the creator of Gnvinfo and a 2nd year journalism major at Santa Fe College. From general information, to exposing falsehoods and corruption, Jack seeks to deliver the truth.
Gainesville, FL