Woman's Violent Attack Leaves Husband Hospitalized with Orbital Fracture

Woman's Violent Attack Leaves Husband Hospitalized with Orbital Fracture

Updated: May 31, 2023

During the early morning of May 29th, around 1:40 am, Gainesville Police got a call for an assault on Northeast 32nd Terrace. A 29-year-old woman attempted to stab her husband, and additionally bit him, resulting in the victim being taken to Ocala ER for an orbital fracture. It is unknown how deep the wounds are, however, the 25 year old man was sedated with 100 grams of fentanyl for pain relief. Police audio does not indicate who the suspect is, only that she had a “medium build”, wearing a “white shirt and black shorts.” The audio doesn’t indicate if or when the suspect was arrested.

Update: According to the Police Records Shift Supervisor, Veronica Rochelle, no arrests have been made at this time. The incident was reported as Domestic Simple Battery.

Incident Report:

GPD Audio:

Source: Broadcastify

1. Some audio quality is poor and there may be mistakes. Codes have been put in to flag possible inaccuracies:

(GARBLED): I cannot make the audio out.

(?): I have an idea of what they're saying but there are doubts.

2.  A lot of audio contains police code. Police code will be marked in bold.

3. Speakers have been associated with numbers, however, they may be incorrect at times. 

Audio File: 1:35 am - 2:05 am

Audio for this incident starts at 07:43

135 am 205 am

00:09 Speaker 1: Why don't you get with the call taker I think they got creative

00:13 Speaker 2: 10-4

01:51 Speaker 1: 2700 Northwest 34th street Bravo Romeo Nine Zero X Ray silver car

02:05 Speaker 2: 10-16 2700 Northwest 34th street

02:33 Speaker 1: (GARBLED) 2800 Northwest 34th street

02:55 (GARBLED)

03:04 Lifeline Bot: Rescue 80 enter facility transfer 3250 southwest... 3250 southwest 41st place Park Meadows operate on Alpha 3 136

03:39 I got fix(?) you can cancel. 38

03:54 Speaker 1: (GARBLED) 10-14

04:10 Speaker 1: 36-30

04:12 Speaker 1: 36-30 138

04:30 Lifeline Bot: Rescue 80 enter facility transfer 3250 Southwest 41st place Park Meadows operate on Alpha 3 Rescue 80 enter facility transfer

04:41 Speaker 1: (GARBLED)

06:59 Speaker 1: 12-6 10-14

07:01 Speaker 2: 10-4 54 4-2

07:43 Lifeline Bot: Rescue 34 engine 40 Assault Northeast 32nd Terrace operate on Alpha 5 Rescue 34 engine 40 Assault Northeast 32nd Terrace operate on Alpha 5 141

08:34 Speaker 2: (GARBLED)

09:09 Speaker 1: Rescue 34 (GARBLED)

09:13 Speaker 3: (GARBLED)

09:28 Speaker 1: Rescue 34 confirm response (GARBLED)

09:37 Speaker 3: Clear four(?) is fine

09:58 Speaker 1: Northeast 32nd Terrace Northeast 32nd Terrace

10:07 Speaker 4: Channel 3

10:10 Speaker 1: Has an injury

10:22 Speaker 1: (GARBLED) 1316 Southeast 7th avenue and that the wife tried to stab the husband with a butcher knife, is an active 22

11:00 Speaker 2: Alachua rescue 81

11:07 Speaker 1: (GARBLED) Front medium build wearing a white shirt black shorts, 29 years old. For when taking the call(?)

11:20 Speaker 2: Alachua rescue 81, Rescue 81 can you let Ocala regional or Ocala ER know were approximately 15 minutes out with an inter facility transfer coming from North Florida, 25 year old male, he is sedated, he's alert (GARBLED) when he's awake, he is asleep right now, got blood pressure of 143 over 81 (GARBLED) 100% on 2 liters (GARBLED) he's breathing 20 times a minute, pulse rate 84, sinus rhythm, patient was given 100 grams of fentanyl for pain management, coming in for an eye injury orbital fracture

13:53 Speaker 1: (GARBLED) Advising that the suspect bit him (GARBLED) EMS

14:01 Speaker 5: But, the 135 (GARBLED) violence. We need to sit down with him(?)

14:10 Speaker 2: (GARBLED) 10-12

14:15 Speaker 1: 7 and 10-12

14:40 Speaker 3: (GARBLED)

15:17 Speaker 1: Rescue 81 from Alachua, Ocala

15:19 Speaker 3: Alright, suspect (GARBLED) 13-12 currently with the LOI. One light on the Northwest corner, and another light just turned on in the Southwest corner of the residence

16:13 Speaker 3: (GARBLED) 97. Come up where my flashlight is on 13th street and come take this Northwest corner for me. Just gonna go grab my 40

16:33 Speaker 2: Alpha patient on the stool(?)

16:37 Speaker 1: What(?)

16:54 Speaker 3: Bravo 5 to Alpha 6

17:05 Speaker 1: Alpha 6

17:07 Speaker 3: Alpha 6. If you come outside and go North of the chicken containers that are out there and 56 me and can you restart our 10-14

17:23 Speaker 1: 10-4

17:24 Speaker 3: 51

17:51 Speaker 3: (GARBLED)

17:56 Speaker 2: He's 10th pulse

18:00 Speaker 3: (GARBLED) Radio South

18:03 Speaker 1: (GARBLED)

18:29 Speaker 1: Anyone info what the female had(?)

18:32 Speaker 3: Yeah 10-4 Foxtrot 6 it was over in 13-12 Southeast

20:18 Speaker 2: Alpha 5 3-33

20:23 Speaker 1: 10-4 clear

20:50 Speaker 1: Channel 1 is clear 10-33 all units return to operate on channel 1 it is primary it's 1:54

23:30 Speaker 1: Bravo 5 units 10-14

23:38 Speaker 2: 10-4

23:40 Speaker 1: 10-4

23:54 Lifeline Bot: Engine 2 Rescue 80 breathing problem Southwest 34th street and old Archer road Engine 2 Rescue 80 breathing problem Southwest 34th street and old Archer road operate on Alpha 3 157

26:57 Speaker 1: (GARBLED) units 10-14. You can clear us from Downtown and show me back outta that Kava

28:10 Speaker 4: Alpha 6 10-14

28:13 Speaker 2: (GARBLED) 14 please

29:00 Speaker 1: Alpha 6 units 10-14

29:02 Speaker 3: You can 34-14(?) Thank you

31:10 Speaker 2: Mike 5

31:12 Speaker 1: Mike 5

31:17 Speaker 2: Can you open up the separate signal 52 at (GARBLED)

31:28 Speaker 1: 10-26

Jack Walden

Jack Walden

Jack Walden is the creator of Gnvinfo and a 2nd year journalism major at Santa Fe College. From general information, to exposing falsehoods and corruption, Jack seeks to deliver the truth.
Gainesville, FL