Man Breaks Into Gainesville Ice House; K-9 Used in Arrest

Man Breaks Into Gainesville Ice House; K-9 Used in Arrest

James Todd Short, 60, was arrested at 12:47 am on Friday and charged with burglary and property damage for breaking into Gainesville Ice House.  

A witness called the business owner who contacted the Gainesville Police Department (GPD), prompting Corporal Joseph Crews to arrive on the scene with a K-9.  

The arrest report states, “K-9 located [Short] in a small room, lying on a make-shift couch, attempting to hold the door shut with his feet pressed against it. After being placed under arrest, the defendant was read his Miranda rights before being questioned.” It does not appear that the K-9 made any physical contact with Short. 

Cpl. Crews reportedly found multiple broken windows and much of the owner’s property gone. The estimated amount of damage is $1,500. 

During his police interview, Short disclosed he climbed trees, fences, and walls to gain access to the property. 

Cpl. Crews asked Short what he did with multiple air conditioning (A/C) units he had disentangled. Short replied, “What A/C units?”

Short told Cpl. Crews he took paint from the business and used it to create “splatter art.”

The report states, “[Short] remembers hearing glass break while he was creating his splatter art and stated ‘the broken glass noise was coming from a nearby glass factory.’ There are no such businesses in the area.… Short was covered in paint and also had minor lacerations on hands which appear to be consistent with exposure from broken glass from the window panes”

Short has four felony and two misdemeanor adjunctions; all non-violent. His bond has been set at $50,000. 

Jack Walden

Jack Walden

Jack Walden is the creator of Gnvinfo and a 2nd year journalism major at Santa Fe College. From general information, to exposing falsehoods and corruption, Jack seeks to deliver the truth.
Gainesville, FL