Multiple Gunshot Victims in Drive-By Shooting at Sweetwater Apartments

Editors Notes: Mistakenly reported the incident occurred at Sweetwater Square Apartments when it happened at Sweetwater Apartments, which is a different complex.
Updated July 5, 2023
Updated: Sep 13, 2023
On June 10th, around 7:44 pm, Gainesville police got a call from someone screaming they’d been shot. Police audio indicates there were at least two victims injured in a drive-by at Sweetwater apartments (3101 NE 15th St). The crime scene was described as having shell casings, broken vehicle glass, and shoes. The person on the line with the 911 dispatcher was reportedly screaming that someone was dead. The vehicle quickly left the scene and was first described as an army green-colored Kia, however, it was later described as an olive-drab Nissan. Witnesses reported the assailant was shooting at people standing around, and that they possibly shot themselves or someone else in the vehicle. The audio transcription indicates the injured party were passengers in the vehicle. A Facebook post by the Gainesville Police Department confirmed this, stating the group of people being shot at, "returned fire and struck subjects in the vehicle." One victim was described as conscious and breathing with a gunshot wound to the chest. The second victim was described as having a gunshot wound to the leg, however, this was the only information on their condition provided. The victims were taken to the VA hospital with at least one confirmed to have been transferred to Shands.
Police responded by dividing the channels with units on channel one looking for the vehicle and units on channel two at the hospital and investigating the crime scene. At one point the UF Police Department had eyes on the vehicle, however, they lost sight of them on 34th and 2nd. The suspect’s vehicle was said to be driving at 70 miles per hour when UFPD lost contact. GPD reports indicate the suspect's vehicle was later found around Pine Ridge, and that they fled on foot.
Update: On July 5th, 2023, an incident report from this crime was retrieved. The report there were two victims injured in the attempted homicide. No firearms were found at the scene however property evidence included clothes/furs and a 2023 green Honda Hrv. The status of the case is open.

Update 2: On Sep 12, 2023, the same incident report was retrieved again in order to check the status of this case. It is still an open investigation. GPD has not released any updates on this incident.
GPD Audio:
Source: Broadcastify
1. Some audio quality is poor and there may be mistakes. Codes have been put in to flag possible inaccuracies:
(GARBLED): I cannot make the audio out.
(?): I have an idea of what they're saying but there are doubts.
2. A lot of audio contains police code. Police code will be marked in bold.
3. Speakers have been associated with numbers, however, they may be incorrect at times.
Disclaimer: Audio that references incidents other than this shooting has not been transcribed and is disregarded from this transcript.
Audio File 1: 7:27 pm - 7:57 pm:
19:44 Speaker 1: 10-4 The client's advising theres. The caller is screaming they've been shot. Whoever called in reference to this, one of the callers saying the suspects are still shooting, sounds like they're driving, (GARBLED) 10-43.
20:12 CC 5 Enter Facility Transfer 6500 West Newberry Road.
20:32 Speaker 2: (GARBLED)
20:40 Speaker 1: The person saying they got shot there's currently showing South, heading Southbound on 15th Street (GARBLED) Sweetwater Square Southwest units to Shands. The allies(?) gonna be Sweetwater Square.
21:18 (GARBLED)
21:29 Speaker 1: I couldn't hear you over your siren.
21:32 Speaker 2: Eastbound on 8th ave got the ping for the victim(?)
21:37 Speaker 1: That's the ping for the victim Eastbound 8th.
21:44 Speaker 3: We're driving (GARBLED)
21:53 Speaker 1: Going in the area Northeast 8th Avenue and Northeast 9th Street they're now Southbound on 9th Street.
22:09 Speaker 4: (GARBLED) This is Channel 1.
22:15 Speaker 3: What kind of car are they driving in.
22:25 Speaker 5: Restrict Channel 3 for the shooting call everyone else on 4.
22:28 Speaker 1: Just heard back from that caller we just have an open line we are trying to get them through our route to SOS (GARBLED) Eastbound on East University Avenue.
22:40 Speaker 2: I see you here I'm gonna go South on 15th and try to pull up.
22:53 (GARBLED)
22:59 Speaker 5: There probably headed to Shands. We've got a unit there, have a couple units go to Sweetwater to see if we can get a crime scene or any video including that 10 2 5 with the victim.
23:10 Speaker 4: (GARBLED) Gonna be in front of building L right off the entrance. We got a crime scene, got shell casings, shoes, broken glass.
23:18 Speaker 1: Crime scene in front of building Lima.
23:22 Speaker 5: Call Shands and let them know.
23:25 Speaker 1: Yes sir, we're on it.
23:38 Speaker 2: Those people do not leave.
23:42 Speaker 4: (GARBLED) Latest location on the victim.(?)
24:00 Speaker 1: Were Southbound on Main Street coming up to someone on the line who is with the victim, screaming that someone is dead. They’re now Southbound on 13th Street from Archer.
24:15 Speaker 3: Lets block this whole entrance in incase we find another victim then we need to get EMS here Delta 6 65 28.
24:30 Speaker 5: 22
24:41 (GARBLED)
24:59 Speaker 1: Now trying to catch up, there currently honking at somebody.
25:17 Speaker 2: Got some female witnesses here, got some patients(?) and broken glass so far.
25:30 Speaker 3: Rescue 21 Engine 21 Your responding from the phone call reference law enforcement request 1500 303 Northwest 121st Place.
25:42 Speaker 2: Gainesville can you see if UPD can go to Shands and help us out there please.
25:53 Speaker 1: Signal 4PI on Northwest 1st Terrace Northwest 39th Avenue Sheriff 772 for notification Signal 4PI on Northwest 1st Terrace Northwest 39th Avenue caller is advising vehicle vs bike.
26:15 Speaker 4: 902 What's the latest location on that (GARBLED).
26:18 Speaker 1: Looks like they're currently at the DA.
26:31 Lifeline Bot: Rescue 33 Engine 80 vehicle vs..
26:36 Speaker 2: Can you let VA Police know we do not want those people going anywhere we want that car.
26:46 Speaker 1: 10-4
26:53 Speaker 2: We are working to contact management and get the video also battery 10-25 with the victim, the shooters did leave the area so I'm trying to get a description.
27:16 Speaker 1: The caller is confirming he has the victim at the VA ER, he's hysterical, the victim in the vehicle.
27:27 (GARBLED)
27:43 Speaker 4: 10-12 with two victims.
27:47 Speaker 1: 10-9 2-22
27:58 (GARBLED)
28:02 Speaker 4: The vehicle who dropped off the victim here at the VA there still headed Eastbound on Archer Road. It's gonna be a small 4 door green (GARBLED) like army colors.
28:23 Speaker 5: Alright if our victim shows up in a small SUV, no tinted windows. Occupied 4 times, that's gonna be our shooter, I'm talking to our witness now it might be they were shooting at people standing there and maybe shot, one of themselves. (GARBLED) but that SUV does not need to go over there.
28:45 Speaker 2: Direction on the DOD is Westbound on Archer.
28:56 Speaker 5: Let channel 2 know I want that car.
29:03 Lifeline Bot: 629 Northeast 11th Avenue operates on Alpha 3 1954.
29:19 Speaker 1: It's a small SUV occupied times four.
29:28 Speaker 2: (GARBLED) Description of car that left the VA.
29:32 Speaker 5: All he says light green East on 1st of Westbound Archer.
29:37 Speaker 1: Verifying light green.
29:47 Speaker 2: Correct me if I'm wrong.
29:49 Speaker 3: Yeah I got green like army green (GARBLED) He just passed us army green Kia right behind us back two lanes on the right.
30:04 Speaker 1: Four door car headed Westbound on South of Archer Road. (GARBLED)
30:13 Speaker 2: One of ya'll (GARBLED) that Kia.
30:19 Speaker 1: 57 year old female conscious breathing.
30:25 Speaker 1: Alright we got two victims here at the VA. One with a gunshot wound to the chest conscious and breathing, other one gunshot wound to the leg, don't have too much information still working on it.
30:41 (GARBLED)
30:53 Speaker 2: Shelly can you see if VA has security cams to get a tag for that car that left.
30:59 Speaker 1: Yeah working on it, Patients gonna be a 58 year old female currently sitting down complaining of hitting her head and requesting EMS.
Audio File 2: 7:57 pm - 8:27 pm
01:49 Speaker 1: Broken vehicle glass on scene so one of those cars is gonna have shot out windows.
02:20 Speaker 5: I don't know what your doing but can you work on trying to get us an ID on this car.
02:32 Speaker 2: Video on scene Northside of 39th Avenue we have one vehicle one pedestrian on a bike sitting on the sidewalk, alert Engine 80 is gonna be investigative mode.
02:49 Speaker 3: (GARBLED) Car. Westbound on Archer road I-75 Difficult thirty nine for giving one vehicle with additional advice and also of alert.
03:01 Speaker 2: 661
03:01 Speaker 1: Go ahead.
03:03 Speaker 2: I want the units at the hospital and at the crime scene to go to Channel 2. Everybody else that's looking for the car stays on Channel One.
03:15 Speaker 1: You want channel 2 on traffic or just for them to be there?
03:22 Speaker 2: No, I want them on 10-33 too.
03:27 Speaker 1: 26
03:32 Speaker 3: I'm uniform all the way down 34 of them back Eastbound on Williston.
03:46 Speaker 1: Three for the units involved with the signal 35 that are on scene and that are at the hospital all of us involved channel 3 Channel 1 remains traffic as well.
03:52 Speaker 5: If you're at the crime scene or at the hospital go to Channel 2. And for the vehicle thing go Channel One.
04:04 Speaker 4: What's the description of the vehicle? I'm going out West.
04:10 Speaker 1 All right. I'm gonna put VA with army green small.
04:13 Speaker 3: Or possibly a Nissan Versa green like army green color.
04:25 Speaker 2: We have two impacts up here. I think I heard she's at the hospital by herself. Can we get two units to go assist her please.
04:40 Speaker 3: Foxtrot I'm already in route.
04:52 Lifeline Bot: Four Twenty Six Southwest fourth place operate alpha three twenty hundred hours.
05:08 Speaker 1: VA calling in asking requesting for the patient to be transported over to Shands so EMS is gonna be transporting them over there.
05:21 Speaker 4: 10-4 26 Southwest 4th Place.
05:27 (GARBLED)
05:37 Speaker 1: Chevy Malibu she also has a two year old daughter with her.
05:39 Speaker 2: I'll be heading to Sweetwater.
05:50 Speaker 3: (GARBLED) SOS after they drop off the victim.
05:54 Speaker 1: 10-4 verbally confirm that.
06:02 Lifeline Bot: On Southwest Archer Road (GARBLED) Alpha 3 20 01.
06:11 Speaker 4: 95 549 Materi Gilbert.(?)
06:19 Speaker 1: Trying to find out if they need(?) SOS after they drop them off.
06:24 Speaker 3: So simple we track it up until that point..
06:28 Speaker 1:No, I don't think we're able to track once they hang up with us.
06:33 Speaker 2: Gainesville notify yourself so they can check out the (GARBLED)
06:42 Speaker 1: They're keeping up.
06:44 Speaker 5: Gainesville Do we have the number? Do we know the number they called in on?
06:50 The number that's in the color fields(?). 575 3724
06:57 Speaker 5: 10-4 In reference there might be another victim. I'm good with ping(?) if you want to work on that.
07:08 Lifeline Bot: Southwest Archer Road VA operate on Alpha 3.
07:22 Speaker 3: Bravo Foxtrot 09 Echo India 1131 Northbound on Northeast 25th Street earlier today olive drab Nissan versa. No one checking the vigilance cameras. That one was from the black camera.
07:40 Speaker 2: 928 Southeast 23rd Street Archer Road VA Hospital ER.
08:00 Speaker 1: Westbound on University for UPD.
08:20 Speaker 2: (GARBLED) Do either of the victims have their cell phones on them?
08:30 Speaker 3: Can you throw that in the LPR for me and put it in as a felony vehicle because that's the only thing to be hitting on my computer.
08:41 Speaker 2: 10-4 working on it now.
08:46 Speaker 3: 100 Blocks (GARBLED)
09:10 Speaker 1: Where's that vehicle at?
09:17 Speaker 4: One 17 (GARBLED) where I got it from I don't see 100 blocks.
09:31 Speaker 1: Tower 1
09:32 Speaker 2: This is gonna be a trouble alarm(?) Gainesville I'm getting out of the car so I'm not gonna have two radios so I'll try to stay on two or sorry one just in case we find the car but if I'm not just try me on two.
09:47 Speaker 2: 22 Try to see if they have 100 blocks(?)
09:56 Speaker 4: Foxtrot 5 2800 hours
10:36 Speaker 4: Unit should be by UPD on 2nd and 34th unsure of direction of travel because it was going 70 miles an hour and they did not follow it.
10:50 Speaker 3: (GARBLED) Out on 20th Ave
10:58 Speaker 2: I'm at 21 considered continuing the 2nd rescue (GARBLED) transport.
11:06 (GARBLED)
11:13 Speaker 1: Advising we only have one unit transported at this time however we may wanna continue that 2nd rescue reference 2nd patient meaning be transported.
11:24 Speaker 4: Tower 9.
11:30 Speaker 3: Disregard.
11:38 Speaker 2: Units on Newberry Road. (GARBLED)
11:49 (GARBLED)
12:21 Speaker 2: Alachua Engine 80. Engine 80's gonna be available (GARBLED) over to VA.
13:24 (GARBLED)
13:27 Speaker 1: 10-4.
13:28 Speaker 2: Back to Shands.
14:40 (GARBLED)
14:54 The car that coop found is at the... is that car registered the female for ID we have.
15:22 Speaker 5: I'm guessing there's no luck on the car right now, correct.
15:38 Speaker 1: Correct. We're trying to find something similar and Vigilant G or UPD had eyes on it at 34th and second but they lost sight of it there. They don't know the direction from there.
15:47 Speaker 5: You guys can still look but I want to merge channels back now that it's kinda calmed down and I can kind of coordinate the resources we're gonna need if you guys are good with that.
15:57 Speaker 1: Alright go ahead and do that.
16:07 Speaker 1: 10-3 Channel two is clear 1033 all units that are on scene at the hospital switch and operate off of alpha 1.
16:19 Speaker 3: (GARBLED) victim thats been shot up.
16:28 Speaker 1: Shands gonna be trauma alert with a gunshot wound.
16:41 Speaker 5: Anybody responding to that, you're good to go curve because I want that car if that's the car.
16:53 Speaker 1: (GARBLED) Callers just saying there's a vehicle looks like it's been shot up no longer responding to us.
17:17 Speaker 5: Alright Gainesville just go through Channel 2 till we get 10 2-5 on that car
17:22 Speaker 1: Twenty three already good.
17:25 Speaker 5: Oh, nevermind then.
17:40 Speaker 2: Do we have a detective on this or do we need to call?
17:44 Speaker 3: I'll call in a minute. We're probably gonna go ahead and call forensics out too and have them start heading towards the crime scene.
17:56 Speaker 2: Thank you.
18:00 Speaker 5: Just for your 43 they were jumped at the VA. They're working one guy here that is not coded yet, but the other one is being transferred. So I got an officer standing on both of them. Do you need us to hold anything at the VA if they end up transfering the other guy?
18:18 Speaker 2: Yea I'm 26 on all that all that if we can have at least one stay the VA then one go to the hospital so we can stay 10-12 with them or there possible suspects.
18:35 Speaker 5: Yeah, I got an officer on scene, if they transfer both of our people to Shands, Do you need anything at the VA?
18:35 Speaker 1: Have someone there to stay there to keep working video.
18:40 Speaker 3: What she said.
18:46 Speaker 2: That's also occurring. I'm just trying to figure out if I need to keep like a room walk down or anything like that.
18:51 Speaker 4: (GARBLED) Hang on, give me the radio for a second. There's people around the car firing.(?) So as you're (GARBLED) put out all of them to take off before we get in.
19:04 Speaker 1: Advising another vehicle also pulled up when Roy jumped out they're saying that the vehicles are full of bullets and blood. Has lights on there's a navy blue Honda truck. That's also parked near it.
19:26 Speaker 4: (GARBLED), Mr. and Mrs. Southwest 35 blvd. And holes in the front window.(?) He's not completely alert. Patients becoming pale, acting erratic. and he passed out earlier. Patient is parked in the handicap spot.
19:47 Speaker 2: Obviously just lock it down whenever y'all get in there and try not to touch it too much.
19:58 Speaker 3: (GARBLED) to 23rd Terrace in case they try to get out(?)
20:15 Speaker 1: (GARBLED) till we get there. There's a Bravo Mike that ran away from the vehicle.
20:30 Speaker 3: Gonna be there in a moment at 53rd 34th.
20:35 Speaker 1: Saying that the subject ran through the grass in the ditch by the DOT.
20:46 Speaker 4: (GARBLED) to get there.
21:04 (GARBLED) blvd Mr. and Ms. Krab EMS is going to be 51 reference since cardiac arrest. patients parked in the handicap spot. (GARBLED)
21:49 Speaker 2: 10-12 vehicle, definitely full of blood.
21:51 Speaker 1: 26
22:01 (GARBLED) 57 Alpha Alpha Victor. When this is on scene say this is the only vehicle there isn't another one here.
22:15 Speaker 2: Subject last seen running West Southwest through the ditch line.
22:24 (GARBLED)
22:42 Speaker 4: Rescue 31.
22:49 Speaker 3: 34th Blvd Reference of Pine Ridge 53rd and 34th blvd 62nd ave and 23rd Terrace moving West on, 35th blvd.(?)
23:14Speaker 2: How many people are going to be able to help her with that?
23:28 (GARBLED)
23:49 Speaker 3: (GARBLED) Bravo Mike with shirt(?) running.
24:19 Speaker 1: Unit 45 EMS is advising patient is unconscious but has a pulse and is breathing.
24:49 Speaker 1: Tag is (GARBLED) Karen Martin out of Hawthrone.
24:57 Speaker 1: Were getting a 13 Bravo call 3137 Northwest 52nd Place advising there's a male running through yards, jumped over a fence. 3129, Bravo Mike (GARBLED) years of age. No pants, no shirt, carrying a hoodie.
25:22 Speaker 2: South of ya'll, South of 53rd avenue off of 34th blvd.
25:35 (GARBLED)
25:49 Speaker 1: (GARBLED) a missing an endangered alert for a child out of Bedford.
25:53 Speaker 3: Drive West like 10 blocks.
26:02 Speaker 2: Just lock down the area for now.
26:08 Speaker 1: Possibly in a (GARBLED)
26:16 Speaker 5: (GARBLED) Can you see if they can send maybe two or three to that area to help us since he's moving to different places.
26:25 Speaker 1: (GARBLED) location.
26:28 Speaker 2: Suspect running.
26:30 Speaker 1: 10-4
26:36 (GARBLED)
26:50 Speaker 6: Rescue 36 15 minute hospital notification 2022 hours.
26:54 Speaker 4: 36 Alachua 15 minute time hospital notification. (GARBLED)
27:16 Speaker 2: Can i get another unit on 52nd Ave and Northwest 34th Terrace.
27:29Speaker 5: (GARBLED) And I think it's like 31st Street or Terrace It goes back into that neighborhood.
28:20 Speaker 2: Romeo, Romeo 5 I'm 10-12 with the complainant she last saw him running Westbound toward 51st (GARBLED)
28:47 Speaker 5: Casey that's pretty credible. You good with moving people from there.
28:54 Speaker 4: (GARBLED)
29:09 Speaker 1: Only unit I have on this Uniform 5.
29:12 (GARBLED)
29:18 Speaker 4: I'm at 26th Street 56th Boulevard. We're going to go get to the complaints address which direction.
29:33 (GARBLED)
29:37 Speaker 2: If you're still at 53rd and the 3400 blocks stay there. There looks like a thin line that runs north to 53rd Avenue have that covered. Casey if you want to come to 3130 Northwest 52nd Place that's where the complaint last saw him.
29:57 Speaker 4: Is it?
30:00 Speaker 2: 3130 Northwest 52nd Place.
30:06 Speaker 4: No(?) He's gonna be South of you.
30:31 Speaker 1: If any unit can go get Casey.
30:52 Speaker 4: I'm in my car still tracking. I'll make it there but y'all better have a good perimeter for me.
31:09 Speaker 2: Were coming out of Northwood Pines on 34th, complainant said she saw the subject run into 3110 and then start heading Westbound from there.
31:26 Speaker 3: (GARBLED) to India 5. Stop driving around I need you to go to 34th terrace and 51st Avenue and stay there and get out of your car, please.