Possessor of CSAM Receives Seven Years

Possessor of CSAM Receives Seven Years

Robert Godwin, 71, has been sentenced to seven years in prison followed by a year and ten months of sex offender probation after being found guilty of twelve counts possession of obscene material.

The Gainesville Police Department (GPD) announced that Godwin used Bing to conduct a reverse image search of child sexual abuse material (CSAM) and that thousands of downloaded and printed images of the abuses were found scattered throughout his residence and electronic devices.   

Godwin was originally pleading not guilty and facing sixty years in prison, however, he took a plea deal for a reduced sentence. He will be required to register as a sex offender upon release.

Jack Walden

Jack Walden

Jack Walden is the creator of Gnvinfo and a 2nd year journalism major at Santa Fe College. From general information, to exposing falsehoods and corruption, Jack seeks to deliver the truth.
Gainesville, FL