Press Release: Socialist Presidential Candidate Claudia De la Cruz Visiting Gainesville For Campaign Events

PSL President Candidate Claudia De la Cruz Responds to Infamous Steven Powers Case
Pictured text messages directly contradict PSL’s statement on the matter, with it being partly signed off by la Cruz’s Vice Presidential pick.

Press release from the Gainesville Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL)
Claudia De la Cruz, the presidential candidate of the Party for Socialism and Liberation, will be campaigning to urge voters to reject both Biden and Trump in November. “People deserve a choice outside of the two-party system,” De la Cruz said, “Both Biden and Trump are servants of Wall Street billionaires who push war, racism and environmental destruction. We are putting forward a real alternative where the economy and the government are in the hands of working
people, not millionaires and billionaires.”
In Gainesville, there is growing support for third party candidates, and specifically, Claudia De la Cruz. The Party for Socialism and Liberation has hosted volunteer training sessions, screened a panel with the PSL presidential candidate, and canvassed in local parks and community centers. Through these events and forums, community members have expressed excitement about supporting a socialist candidate and building a mass political movement independent from
the two party system of the ruling class.
The “Vote Socialist” Claudia/Karina 2024 campaign will be on the ballot in over 20 states, together constituting more than half of the electoral college. Claudia De La Cruz remarked on this effort, “This accomplishment is the result of the tireless work of hundreds of volunteers all across the United States. At shopping centers, festivals, transportation centers and more, people who believe in the message of this campaign spoke to their neighbors about the importance of getting our socialist campaign on the ballot.”
The campaign is running on an 8-point program that includes seizing the 100 largest corporations in America and turning them into public property. De la Cruz said, “People living in the deep South, and specifically Florida, face high rates of poverty and unemployment, catastrophic weather events, and rising cost of groceries, housing, and gas. All the while, working class people are watching our government fund endless wars, cut funding to community resources, and pass laws that take away our bodily autonomy. Just this year, a 6 week abortion ban was passed in Florida that removed people’s access to privacy when accessing
reproductive health care. Every injustice working people experience in society, boils down to the question of who has power. Under the current capitalist system, a tiny handful of ultra-wealthy bankers and corporate executives have the power and will to do anything to maintain it. Our campaign stands for socialism — a system where poor and working people hold political and economic power and use it to meet the needs of all people and to preserve the planet.”
Claudia De la Cruz is available for interviews, contact Marilyn Wende, 716-289-4112, to schedule.
Claudia & Karina 2024