Shots Fired Near Wells Fargo Building in Downtown Gainesville

Shots Fired Near Wells Fargo Building in Downtown Gainesville

On Sunday, May 14th, around 1:00 am, shots were fired around the Wells Fargo building in Downtown Gainesville. Witnesses at the Top said they saw a gold Lincoln vehicle full of Hispanic males going eastbound on 1st ave, however, another witness reported it was a black Sedan. The police audio is heavily garbled although it appears most of the audio from this night focuses on a car accident rather than the gunshots. The audio indicates nobody was shot. The Gainesville Police Department has yet to release any reports on this incident, along with any other news publications. However, Gainesville PD did make a Facebook post around 10:00 pm regarding a shooting investigation that was separate from this one. They reported that the victim was transported to the hospital and that the suspect was outstanding.

I got the chance to speak with a witness that chose to remain anonymous. He heard gunshots and saw a person with a gun when he was riding his bike by the Wells Fargo Building downtown.

“It was around 1 am. I heard like 6 shots, and it sounded like low caliber enough that it could’ve been a car backfire, so as I’m riding up on Wells Fargo, to my left about 50 feet I see a car rolling slowly with a hand and a gun popping off even more, then I fucking booked it to the Top and I was telling people there was a guy with a gun, stay away from there.”

GPD Audio: 1:01 am - 1:31 am

Source: Broadcastify

1. Some audio quality is poor and there may be mistakes. Codes have been put in to flag possible inaccuracies:

(GARBLED): I cannot make the audio out.

(?): I have an idea of what they're saying but there are doubts.

2.  A lot of audio contains police code. Police code will be marked in bold.

3. Speakers have been associated with numbers, however, they may be incorrect at times. 

101 131

01:33 Speaker 1: 10-33(?) (GARBLED) hospital notification.

01:38 (GARBLED)

03:18 (GARBLED)

03:22 Speaker 4: 10-4

05:03 Speaker 1: (GARBLED) units 10-14

05:06 Speaker 3: 10-4

06:19 Speaker 2: We have people downtown right now

06:27 Speaker 3: (GARBLED) signal (GARBLED) depot park

06:33 Speaker 2: Did you not hear signal Forty five. (GARBLED) sounds like downtown.

06:42 Speaker 3: I'm still at the Air Bnb (GARBLED)I believe.

07:12 Speaker 4: 945 there's no units showing in the area of downtown

07:15 Speaker 3: (GARBLED) In the area (GARBLED) signal 45

07:24 Speaker 1: I'm in the area and I did not hear anything. But there's a lot of loud music from some of the bars.

07:34 Speaker 3: Nine Forty five we can hear em from (GARBLED)

07:55 Lifeline Bot:

Squad one Rescue. Thirty three. Breathing problem. One hundred Ne Eighth Avenue oak park. High rise operates on alpha three squad. One rescue thirty three. Breathing problem. One hundred Ne Eighth Avenue oak park high-rise operates on alpha three one zero seven.

09:11 Speaker 2: (GARBLED) which area

09:19 Speaker 3: Channel three

09:25 Speaker 4: Squad One Alachua confirm response

09:26 Speaker ?: I'm here

09:32 Speaker 3: Someone's there, sitting in a corner near Flaco's someone called in

09:40 Speaker 5: I'm not in the area anymore just drove through, made sure no one was shot but I can go back by there (GARBLED)

09:56 Speaker 3: (GARBLED)

10:01 Speaker 5: Alright I'll do a drive through over there... I'm in the blue adventure(?)

10:08 Speaker 1: Now we're getting another call we got a location on (GARBLED) from the top

10:15 Speaker 3: Yeah people were definitely shooting

10:20 Speaker 1: 10-4

10:31 Speaker 5: I guess it would be the Wells Fargo parking lot

10:51 (GARBLED) November 5 10-14

12:54 945(?) units 10-14

13:03 10-4

13:49 Speaker 1: Wells Fargo(?) (GARBLED) people saying they heard gunshots. A gold Lincoln (GARBLED) car sped off going east bound

14:00 Speaker 5: I'm with a witness it was a car full of Hispanic males

14:06 Speaker 1: (GARBLED) east bound

14:10 Speaker 3: On, I think this is 2nd ave

14:24 Speaker 5: I'm with a witness they observed a group of Hispanic males in a black Sedan. They went eastbound on first ave they were the ones shooting out of the vehicle

14:39 Lifeline Bot: Two Twenty one engine. Twenty one. One thirteen.

15:07 Speaker 5: Rescue 21 responding

15:14 Speaker 4: Agent 21 Rescue 21 your responding (GARBLED) 15000 620 north west hundred(?) 34th terrace College Heights. Male patient(?)

15:30 (GARBLED)

16:02 (GARBLED)

16:07 Speaker 4: Agent 21 I have you responding

16:34 Lifeline Bot: One Twenty three water salvage. Sixty eight, fifteen. West University Avenue. Harvard clove apartments operate on Alpha five, Quinn. Twenty. Three water salvage. Sixty eight, fifteen. West University Avenue Harbor Cove apartments operate on alpha five, one fifteen.

16:59 Speaker 5: Rescue. Thirty five. Fifteen minute hospital notification.

17:04 Speaker 4: Alachua hospital 15 minute time notification

17:12 Speaker 3: Rescue 35 available, 2 minute speaker (?)

17:25 Speaker 5: Alachua rescue 21

17:28 Speaker 2: Rescue 21

18:07 Lifeline Bot: One Eight engine five engine seven district two, fire alarm 2826 northwest 31st ave Glenn Springs Elementary

18:28 Speaker 1: (GARBLED) Sweetwater on 16th apartments... signal 22 205 southeast 16th ave apartment two bravo screaming coming from this apartment been ongoing since 2100 hours (GARBLED)

19:13 Speaker 4: (GARBLED) District 2 responding Glenn Springs Elementary 2826 northwest 31st ave 2826 northwest 31 ave (GARBLED) fire alarm activation... Doesn't indicate where it's coming from (GARBLED)

20:37 Speaker?: Can I get a couple more units to the overflow parking lot by depot... Alpha 6 (GARBLED) 51

20:58 10-4

21:02 (GARBLED)

21:06 Speaker 1: If y'all could flip your overheads on as your coming that'd be great

22:36 Speaker 1: (GARBLED) Sierra Five Alpha 6 zero for notification signal (GARBLED) southwest 20th ave southwest 62nd boulevard

22:47 (GARBLED)

22:56 Speaker 1: (GARBLED) 2 vehicle(?) (GARBLED) not involved (?) Gathering further information

23:31 Lifeline bot: Letter nine rescue. Eighty vehicle accidents, Southwest Twentieth Avenue and Southwest sixty second Boulevard operate on Alpha three letter nine rescue. Eighty vehicle accident. Southwest

23:46 Speaker 1: Nissan (GARBLED)

24:04 Speaker 5: Alachua district 2

24:10 School type facility (GARBLED) there's no hazards showing. District 2's gonna be on scene(?)(GARBLED) He's going to be assigned thirty First Avenue.

24:31 Speaker 1: District 2's on scene mega sized school facility active alarm showing, no hazards showing investigative mode (GARBLED) district 2 (GARBLED) 31st ave come in at 1:24(?)... (GARBLED) go ahead

25:07 Speaker 2: (GARBLED) Channel district 2 (GARBLED) visual alarm(?) (GARBLED)

25:18 (GARBLED) district 2's on scene (GARBLED) he's got you in investigative mode

25:41 Speaker 4: Responding vehicle accident southwest 20th ave southwest 62nd blvd southwest 20th ave southwest 62nd blvd got 2 vehicle grey toyota and a dark colored Nissan

26:00 Speaker 5: Alachua rescue 35 (GARBLED) available

26:17 Speaker ?: (GARBLED) seven is on scene (GARBLED)

26:23 Speaker 4: (GARBLED)

26:30 Speaker ?: Delta 6 (GARBLED)

26:53 Speaker 4: Delta 6 10-4

27:05 (GARBLED)

27:12 Speaker 2: Yeah why?

27:23 Speaker 3: The rental charger that just pulled out caught my eye

27:30 Speaker 2: (GARBLED) Around the same road now

27:47 Speaker ?: Which way did it go

27:50 (GARBLED) Trying to get out of here now

28:00 Speaker 3: Go around the roundabouts I have no clue so we work from there

29:02 Speaker 2: (GARBLED) So far I have intersections completely blocked going eastbound and westbound and do we have a Spanish speaking officer available

29:14 Speaker 1: Spanish Speaking officer on (GARBLED)

29:26 Speaker ?: Alachua rescue 80 on scene got one vehicle with moderate front end damage

29:38 Speaker ?: Alpha 6(GARBLED) 28

29:42 Speaker 1: Alpha 6 go ahead

29:44 Speaker ?: There's tango 6 (GARBLED)

30:08 (GARBLED)

30:17 10-14

30:28 Speaker ?: This corvette did not want me behind it earlier

30:37 Speaker 2: Went West on depot south on main back east and back north and back to main street and now were here on 2nd ave going east

30:57 Lifeline Bot: Rescue 20 vehicle accident 14213 main street operate on Alpha five engine. Twenty one rescue twenty

31:05 Speaker 1: (GARBLED) 10-14

31:14 Speaker ?: Audiovisual. Alarm has stopped 31:19 (GARBLED) coming in alarm has stopped at 1:30

Jack Walden

Jack Walden

Jack Walden is the creator of Gnvinfo and a 2nd year journalism major at Santa Fe College. From general information, to exposing falsehoods and corruption, Jack seeks to deliver the truth.
Gainesville, FL