Two Gainesville Men Arrested for Domestic Battery, Both Cases Involving Officers with Controversial Pasts

Chester Lee James, 51, and Miguel Angel Turull Canino, 26, were both arrested last week in separate incidents of domestic battery.
Canino was charged with domestic battery after reportedly striking the victim multiple times as she gathered her belongings to leave his residence. The victim told police that Canino spat at her feet and grabbed her by the throat. Canino claimed that he was only pushing the victim away after she punched him. He was released on recognizance but has been ordered not to contact the victim or possess weapons.
Canino's arresting officer is Larry R. Prunty of the Gainesville Police Department.

Last year, while serving as a trainee, Prunty was placed on administrative leave by former Chief Lonnie Scott following charges of child abuse, which included reports that Prunty held a knife to a ten-year-old's neck. The charges were later dropped in January.

James was charged with domestic battery by strangulation after a witness reported that he randomly became upset and began choking the victim while they were sitting on the front porch. The victim managed to escape and ran inside until police arrived. James denied the strangulation, claiming he “only grabbed her by the shirt collar to force her to leave.” He remains in custody with no bond, pending a pretrial detention hearing on October 14.
James' arresting officer is Tommy Alvin of the Gainesville Police Department. Two years ago, Alvin stood by the changing room door and allowed his colleague, former Corporal Brooke Shutterly to commit sexual assault against three club employees.