UF Researcher Charged with Domestic Battery

Melvin Jay Horton, 65, was arrested on January 12 and charged with domestic battery.
The victim told Alachua County Sheriff’s Office (ACSO) Deputy Jeffery Finch that she was working with Horton in their shop when he began arguing with her about the work. Horton reportedly told the victim she was “not doing it right” and charged at her.
Horton put the victim in a headlock, and they fell to the ground. Horton continued battering the victim on the ground and reportedly made rude statements.
Horton told Finch that he understood his rights and would do an interview. Horton stated he “lost it” because the victim was “demeaning him while they were working in the shop.”
Finch reported that Horton admitted to putting the victim in a headlock and taking her to the ground.
Horton reportedly let go of the victim because “he realized what he was doing was wrong.”
The victim did not want to press charges on Horton for battery, but Finch still placed him under arrest “due to their domestic relationship.”
Horton was released on recognizance.
According to the UF Office of Strategic Communications and Marketing (SCM), Horton is an Engineer I working with researchers in the Physics Department at the University of Florida (UF) and is not an instructor for students.
The UF Fall 2023 University Employee File Detail of Salaries as of November 2023 states Horton makes $53,072 per year.

GnvInfo asked UF SCM if Horton would remain employed while on pretrial release. Associate Director of Learning, Development, and Integration at UF SCM, Florida Bridgewater-Alford, stated, “The University of Florida typically does not comment on personnel matters.”
This page may be updated if the State Attorney’s Office decides to formally file Horton’s charges.