What is Gainesville's Population Without Students?

Gainesville, Florida, is a college town known for having a large student population. While it is true, a large portion of Gainesville's population comes from students at the University of Florida and Santa Fe College, a large portion of the population isn't in school. By examining the statistics, we can better understand the size of this non-student population and its significance within the city.
The Non-Student Population: Contrary to popular belief, Gainesville's population extends well beyond its student community. When excluding the student population from the total count, a noteworthy figure emerges: 62,243 residents. This statistic highlights the non-student population that constitutes an integral part of Gainesville's identity.
The Student Population: The presence of two prominent educational institutions, the University of Florida and Santa Fe College, undoubtedly contributes to Gainesville's reputation as a college town. As of the latest available data, the University of Florida boasts a student population of 60,795 individuals, while Santa Fe College has a number of 17,360 students.
While the presence of these educational institutions contributes to Gainesville's reputation, it's important to recognize that the city's population extends well beyond the student community. Nearly half of Gainesville's residents are non-students, emphasizing the varying demographics of the city.
Gainesville has a substantial non-student population of 62,243 residents when excluding students. While the city is known for its college town status, it's essential to acknowledge the significant number of non-students who contribute to Gainesville's unique identity.