Windsor of Gainesville Caretaker Released on Bond After Beating Disabled Victim on Camera

Updated Sep 17: Today, Legend Senior Living Chief Operating Officer Chris Mahen called the headline of this article "misleading," and wrote "It gives the impression that the DEF is taking care of the VIC at Windsor of Gainesville. The victim is not a resident at Windsor of Gainesville nor did this incident take place at Windsor of Gainesville. Nor is there a relationship between Windsor of Gainesville and this incident related other than Javar Hall worked at the Windsor during the time of the incident for 5 days.... Windsor of Gainesville, upon hearing about the arrest, immediately suspended and subsequently terminated employment with Javar Hall.... The other piece of the story is where did Javar Hall work at in a group home that the Victim lived in. It wasn’t Windsor of Gainesville and the group home is who should be listed as the employer."

This article was updated to include increased clarification that the incident occurred in traffic.
Javar Navi Hall, 23, was arrested early Sunday morning and charged with abusing a disabled adult.
The night before his arrest, Hall, working as a caretaker, physically abused a mentally disabled man under his care while in traffic near the University of Florida. Hall was caught on traffic camera footage.
The footage reportedly shows Hall “picking the victim up by the arms and slamming his body into the sidewalk…. The defendant is observed striking the victim with closed fists in the torso, arms, and face.”
The victim sustained a busted lip and lacerations to his arms.
Hall claimed the victim was “physically agitated” and that he “was forced to physically restrain” him.
Gainesville Police Department Officer Monica Henry wrote that the injuries were “inconsistent with physical restraint and corroborate the traffic camera footage showing [Hall] intentionally and repeatedly striking the victim until law enforcement arrived.”
Hall wrote on his first appearance order that he is employed at "The Windsor of Gainesville," a local assisted living facility.
Hall has been released on a $10,000 bond. He must not contact the victim or be employed with any disabled/elderly care facilities.