Alachua Man Released After Crashing Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity Party & Threatening Violence

Alachua Man Released After Crashing Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity Party & Threatening Violence

On April 7th, at 4:00 am, Dominique Tremaine Stanback, 23, entered a party that he was not invited to at Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity House, located at 1904 W University Avenue.

Upon receiving multiple complaints, the fraternity’s president, along with two other affiliates of the fraternity, approached Stanback and asked him to leave due to the party requiring an invitation.

Stanback then walked off the property and was locked out. He proceeded to scale an 8-foot wall and fall into a pile of bushes on the property.

Stanback was pulled out of the bushes by party guests before he began punching several of the party’s attendees, and he was put in a chokehold as a result. Once he began to lose consciousness, the three involved fraternity affiliates carried him off the property and locked him out again after contacting law enforcement.

Soon after, Stanback awoke and began walking around the property’s fence while threatening to get a gun from his car and kill the three men who carried him out.

Stanback found an opening in the fence and reentered the property again before charging at the three men. He was restrained and continued to try to fight until he was placed in a second chokehold and began to lose consciousness again.

By the time a Gainesville police officer arrived on the property, Stanback was still present and had regained consciousness. While he was being interviewed, Stanback reportedly entered a fighting stance before attempting to fight one of the fraternity’s members again. As a result, he was forcefully placed in handcuffs during his arrest.

Stanback was transported to the hospital with his legs forcefully restrained inside the vehicle due to him putting his legs in the door when an officer attempted to shut it. Due to the restrainment, he was placed in a wheelchair before again being picked up and put into the hospital bed, while reportedly ignoring commands throughout the entire encounter.

After being cleared by medical staff, he was transported to the jail.

Stanback faces three counts of threatening violence, one count for trespassing, and another for resisting an officer without violence.

Stanback was released on Tuesday after posting a $30,000 bond. 

Jack Walden

Jack Walden

Jack Walden is the creator of Gnvinfo and a 2nd year journalism major at Santa Fe College. From general information, to exposing falsehoods and corruption, Jack seeks to deliver the truth.
Gainesville, FL