Block Party at Aloha Liquor Store Takes Over Downtown Gainesville. Prompts Police and Ambulance Response

On April 30th around 10:00 pm, a large block party met around the Aloha Liquor Store. The party quickly moved downtown after police showed up in the area. By 11:00 pm the party had fully moved downtown and over 100 people occupied the parking lot on Southwest 1st St. (the one behind Loosey's)
Cops blocked the roads on Southwest 1st Street by 11:00 pm
At 11:05 pm Cops blocked the roads on Northwest 1st Street
By 11:09 pm cops had blocked Southwest 2nd street

Around 11:30 pm the cops blocking the streets left. The police truck blocking Northwest 1st Street remained, however, there was no driver inside.

Three officers in front of Southwest Downtown Parking Garage remained the rest of the night.

Following most of the cops leaving, the crowd started to increase and didn’t start to die down till around 1:00 am. The crowd didn’t fully disperse until 1:25 am when an ambulance showed up with its sirens on, parking on Southwest 1st Avenue. Another ambulance quickly followed five minutes later, parking behind the first ambulance.

The patient was lying down with a group surrounding them in the parking lot where the block party had taken place. Paramedics rolled the stretcher over to the patient. They had been treating the patient for 10 minutes until a black car pulled up next to them. The patient appeared to not be in serious condition because the paramedics assisted them into the car and proceeded to roll the stretcher back to the ambulance. The ambulances left at 1:44 am. Shortly after, the few individuals who remained at the block party had left.