St Patrick Interparish Assistant Principal Makes Motion to Modify Pretrial Release

St Patrick Interparish Assistant Principal Makes Motion to Modify Pretrial Release

Ryan Clemens, who was employed as the Assistant Principal of St. Patrick Interparish Catholic School, has made a motion to modify his conditions of pretrial release as he is facing charges for child neglect and concealing evidence.

He is accused of covering up reports against the school’s physical education (P.E.) teacher, Christopher Chell, who is currently facing 10 charges for molesting minors. 

Clemens current conditions for pretrial release do not allow him to have contact with any minors unsupervised. Clemens’ motion requests that he be allowed to have contact with his own children unsupervised. He is joined by his wife, Rachel Clemens, in his request. 

The motion referred to Clemens ongoing charges as a “challenging time” for him and said he is thankful for individuals who have sent letters to the court defending him. 

The letters reveal that at some point Clemens had served as a P.E. teacher at St. Patrick Interparish, with one writer stating, "My youngest son had Mr. Clemens as a physical education teacher," and another stating "Mr. Ryan Clemens has been an outstanding coach, educator, and Assistant Principal at St. Patrick Interparish School."

It has not yet been independently verified if Clemens and Chell ever worked in tandem while coaching, but it does confirm that Clemens held the same employment position and contact with children as Chell at some point before becoming the Assistant Principal of St. Patrick Interparish.  

Clemens motion will be heard by the court on April 23 at 1:30 pm.

St Patrick Interparish Assistant Principal Granted Bond & Released
The Assistant Principal at St. Patrick Interparish Catholic School was released on a $60,000 bond one day after he was arrested.
Jack Walden

Jack Walden

Jack Walden is the creator of Gnvinfo and a 2nd year journalism major at Santa Fe College. From general information, to exposing falsehoods and corruption, Jack seeks to deliver the truth.
Gainesville, FL